Eby, check the date of the annual meeting and compare it with the date for the "special" meeting.
Notice anything? Did they change their minds?
my mother told my husband that there is to be a 'special meeting' in october at the local sports arena (same place as dc's are held here) and that "only publishers are allowed to attend" that they will get "special cards" for admission from their local congregation and have to hand them in to get into the building.
i have no idea if this has anything to do with the "annual meeting" they always have (isn't that generally in october?
Eby, check the date of the annual meeting and compare it with the date for the "special" meeting.
Notice anything? Did they change their minds?
maximus, .
i would like to start by saying your posts are very informative.
it speaks volumes of one who has seen things from a different perspective(i.e "inside").
Actually, Joel, he is a cross between an older Russell Crowe
and Sean Connery.
No kidding.
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
Does anyone know whether Ed Dunlap's wife, Betty,
is still living?
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
I'm tempted to just read this, try to take it all in and reflect deeply on this example of courage driven by Christian conscience. I'm left speechless and yet wanting to say something.
First, this is solid evidence that there are persons willing to stand up for what they believe, in disagreement with a bad policy, and not just grumble from the sidelines or speak of the community responsibility of others. I'm deeply touched by Barbara's actions, more than I am capable of expressing in words.
This is not about reform; it is about justice.
It is chilling to think of a mother who does the right thing by going to her spiritual shepherds, but who experiences selfish wolves looking out for the interests of the organization. That's so wrong.
I am more than reasonably confident that Ms. Anderson does not have a battery of attorneys as does the Watchtower Society or Christian Congregation. More proof positive of courage driven by conviction. How many males would have the courage to stand up against the powers that be? That should serve as an empowering impetus to many women--and men.
I have not written the Society before about anything, because I thought it would do no good. I'm going to write now because I need to affirm my own convictions and to take a stand. When I write, their power over me will forever end.
As to her research:
: Likely this research contributed to the Society's change of policy stated in the January 1, 1997 Watchtower, where they for the first time recognized that child molestation was a serious matter and decided that a 'known molester' could no longer serve a congregation in any position of responsibility ...
That's a powerful revelation.
We have had reports on the board and suggestions about "insiders" with conviction who want to see change. Now we have the proof, even if just about one person.
Thank you, Barbara, for opening the window to your soul and for letting us be a part of something that will doubtless be historic.
tri-city herald.
by shirley wentworth.
ritzville - erica rodriguez and her mother, alejandra garza, broke down and cried when the verdict came in.. it took slightly less than four hours for a seven-man, five-woman adams county superior court jury to declare manuel beliz, 48, of othello guilty of two counts of first-degree child rape and two counts of first-degree child molestation.
Correct me if I am wrong, but if the newspaper report is correct, NBC Dateline has been given documentation --
: describing how the church's leadership is well aware of sexual child abuse within its organization and helps cover it up.
My wheels are turning -- Silentlambs has posted this story, has further described the individual's duties who appears in the story, which means that he agrees with the report and subscribes to its accuracy.
The "church's leadership" must refer to those higher than elders. It seems to me that would include circuit and district overseers, and those higher up the chain. I am sure there is no written policy to cover up child molestation of itself, but the practice has generally been to "protect the organization and Jehovah's good name at all costs."
That's coverup. The American public is most forgiving of persons who make mistakes and admit them, but COVERUP is just not overlooked or easily forgiven. Anyone who knows his/her history understands that.
"Church Leadership Helps Cover Up Child Abuse" is not a happy headline for Jehovah's Witnesses. This takes the issue out of the realm of disgruntled exJWs to a different level. That's not just bad publicity, it is damaging news of the worst sort.
I await further developments eagerly.
the xjw mafia's attack on myself has progressed from underhanded insinuations of "trollism", to alanf's and farkel's failed attempts last week to label me a "wts troll", to yesterday's fullblown attack conducted by kent, tina, and even some of their buddies posing as new posters.
e.h. even accused me of being the same person as "utilitarian reformist".
: E.H. even accused me of being the same person as "Utilitarian Reformist".
Surely you jest. But apparently I am not permitted to. The thread you allude to was funny as all get-out, the comment was made about Russell as a shape-shifting alien, pyramids appearing in London, Rome and wherever.
I took the opportunity for additional banter and humor, noting that the plans for the new London Bethel had now been exposed, even its design ... PYRAMID, get it?
Please. You will pull my chain no more; I'm done with you.
I will accept anybody at face value, as I have you, but I'm certainly not inclined to cooperate or dialogue with someone who shouts his demands and acts like a schoolyard bully.
You call Maximus a jerk, a hatchetman of the Borg, lump him in with "Satan's spawn" and a few other choice insults after he had given you information you requested about the theme for the circuit assemblies. (Read the threads, he never called you a troll; Talleyman did.) Max did not respond in kind to your flaming and vulgarity. You now want him to vouch for you? You have to be kidding!
You are correct in at least one thing, I know him to a man of great integrity. He even gave you the name of the attorney who represented Rees.
: Now I know why you were once so successful as a Borg hatchetman and promoted up the Borg ladder. I have news for you asshole. I'm not a troll!!
: But I'm also not one of your wimp groupies that kiss your ass because you were once one of the Borg proletariat(sp) who once victimized the rank and file.
: FU!!!
Not exactly a good motivational.
the crown and cross emblem on russells pyramid tombstone.
i finally have been able to identify it as the emblem of the knights templar.
the knights templar are the york rite of freemasonry.
: any startup Pyramid projects near London
Now you've gone and done it, not only have you spilled the beans about the Watch Tower Society of Britain's move from Mill Hill, you have given away the design of the new building.
Be prepared for serious punitive consequences to follow. We know that UR and you are the same person, BTW.
is there a biblical basis for appointing gb members?
acts 1:15-26 shows how they were selected:.
(1) someone who was among jesus early disciples, "starting with the baptism by john" (acts 1:21-22),.
Agreed. What is great about the post, is that it should cause any JW reading it to pause and think about this whole CURRENT GB in control thing. Lurkers take note.
Cute cartoon, Mr. Neko, you always come up with good thoughts; but this tends to trivialize a new poster's work, don't you think?
Thank God it's Friday. Em, the date not the idiot who posts.
public affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
Are you saying the elders are to blame in the Berry case, and all the other cases that will be coming up?
Are you an elder? Been to the ministerial training school?
public affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
In the famous words of William Bowen,
You can not hide. We see you for what you are, despicable and beneath all contempt.
You just made NBC Dateline an even bigger story.